This article is mainly relevant for offline solutions of AbaClock 3 or if customers explicitly want to work this way.
The "Guided Mode" can also be activated and deactivated with MDM via AbaClock Monitor. The variant mentioned in the article should only be used in exceptional cases, for example for offline solutions of AbaClock 3.
Activation in iOS Settings
In order for the AbaClock time clock to work around the clock and so that all other iPad applications are deactivated, 'Guided Access' can be activated in the iOS settings (up to iOS12.x) under "Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access".
Under iOS13, the setting can be made under "Settings" > "Accessibility" > "Guided access".
With Guided Access, only one app is enabled on the iPad at a time, and which features are available can be controlled.
The following settings, when "Guided Access" is activated, are relevant for working with AbaClock:
Guided Access
Guided Access is activated with this setting.
Code Setting
A six-digit code must be entered to deactivate Guided Access.
Synchronize "Automatic Lock" of the Display
This accesses the "Auto-Lock", which is defined under "Display & Brightness" >"Auto-Lock". This must be activated so that the Guided Access screen does not turn off after 20 minutes of inactivity.
You must also set the "Auto Lock" under "Display & Brightness" to "Never" to prevent the iPad from going into Standby mode in Guided Access.
Activation / Deactivation for AbaClock
To activate, open the AbaClock app. Then click three times on the Home button. A message will appear indicating that Guided Access is active.
To deactivate Guided Access, click three times on the Home button and enter the defined code. Afterwards Guided Access can be ended via the function on the top left or continued via the function on the top right. When exiting, the message appears again that Guided Access has ended.