In order to prevent OS and app updates from being downloaded automatically, and therefore prevent software update messages from being displayed on the screen, it is recommended that the updates be disabled in the iPad settings.
Deactivation of app updates
App updates can be deactivated in the "App store". The setting in "App updates" must be grey/inactive.
The update of the AbaClock app is done using the AbaClock Monitor.
Deactivation of OS updates
The automation of the OS update is deactivated under "General" > "Software update" > "Automatic updates".
The OS updates are important for the security of the system. Every update for OS fills important security flaws, some more dramatic than others.. The updates should be carried out regularly even if automatic updates are deactivated.
Disallow message
If the Software Update message has already been displayed because automatic download was enabled but the update should be deferred, the message can be cancelled as follows:
The message appears because the update has already been automatically downloaded and is ready for installation on the iPad. In order for the message to no longer be displayed, the file must be deleted in the iPad settings under "General" > "Memory & iCloud usage" > "Manage memory".
The update is deleted with a tap on the update and can be installed manually via the iPad settings under "General" > "Software update" or via AbaClock Monitor.
Related contributions
OS Update is started automatically although disabled in OS settings